About Eric

Anyone who’s been injured knows what it feels like to stare your own limitations in the face. “But I used to be able to…” may start echoing in your brain like the impostor syndrome you thought you left behind in your college years.

Knowing what you once could do and “should” do, whether on the field, in the water, or simply in life, and having to adjust your expectations accordingly is a battle in itself. And it’s certainly not one that anyone willingly signs up for. 

Age, time, wear and tear… we’ve all been there.

And I get it, intimately. 

You may look at me and see a fitness icon of sorts. A successful founder. The man who created two successful gyms in an oversaturated New York City market that served a large and loyal community for over a decade, plus a fitness brand that’s been franchised into 100+ global locations and has inspired countless others to model our format. But what you may not see is a man who’s managed to do all of that, while also hitting the sweet spot of spending time with my family, optimizing my own athleticism and well being, and remaining true to himself.

And what you definitely won’t see from these smiling photos is a man who’s been diagnosed with early stage Parkinson’s at age 55, but that’s also true. 

Like you, life has handed me thousands of ideas, hundreds of opportunities, and plenty of challenges. And also like you, each of them has provided a chance to rise to meet the challenge and grow. What I’ve learned is that discipline is necessary and will get you far, but confronting the truth is what is actually required to not just meet your goals, but make the journey worthwhile.

As a young boy, I was oddly accident prone. It took growing up a bit to look back and realize that when I sprained my ankle (while barely running in a nearby field that I knew like the back of my hand) --  though not willfully -- was a cry for help. For attention. For truth. At the time, my parents’ marriage had eroded and they were fighting all the time through their divorce. I didn’t know how to process my stress, but my body sure found a way to communicate with me.

Fit Body.

Fit Mind.

Fit Life.

Often, we look at the business of life and think that it’s just a matter of checking boxes. Set a date night. Go to the gym. Follow the routine. Et cetera. But the truth is that finding the right balance of fitness, family, and faith is about so much more than that. Personally, I don’t give a shit if you’re checking every box on your to-do list if you still don’t have the mindset or awareness to live the life you want to live.

As we get older or take on new challenges, be they with fitness, business, or relationships, we so often begin with an “action list.” But instead we have to begin with ourselves. 

You have to start with what is true NOT for everyone, but for YOU.

Then, we can get to the action list.

For me, this looks like implementing entirely new exercises and routines to stay sharp in mind and body. It looks like allowing my diagnosis to be a blessing in disguise, reminding me that happiness and presence requires making an intentional choice over and over and over again.

For you, this looks like uncovering what the truth is for you. Are you under a lot of stress right now? Are you burnt out? Are you wanting the stamina to surf, or golf, or play tennis an extra 2 hours per day without losing steam for everything else life requires of you?

Whatever your answer, that is the kicking off point for our work together.

Just like I had to face the truth as a young boy that my injuries were a symptom of something psycho-emotional and not “clumsiness,” we have to find your truth and build from there, holistically. 

And what I know for sure is that then, whatever you want out of life -- we can make happen for you.